interactive awards

Automatic Participation

Automatic Participation System

It is an automatically initiated savings system to secure your retirement. If you are a public or private sector employee under the age of 45, you will be automatically included in this savings system. With the amendment published in the Official Gazette dated 20 January 2022, if you are over the age of 45, you also can be included in the Automatic Participation system upon request.

In the system, 3% of your income basis to contribution or your wage basis to pension option is automatically transferred from your wage account to your Automatic Participation agreement every month. Your savings gain value with an initial special 1,000 TL contribution, 30% state contribution, and an additional 5% of your savings in case of retirement.

How much will you earn in retirement if you start Automatic Participation now? 

Let’s Calculate Your Savings


  • For each contribution, you receive a 30% state contribution.
  • A one-time 1,000 TRY initial state contribution if you stay in the system after the withdrawal period.
  • An additional 5% state contribution during retirement if the savings are transferred to at least 10 years of income insurance.
  • Your employer monitors your contribution payments on your behalf.
  • You do not pay entrance fees and management fee deductions.

Things to Know

  • You can withdraw from the Automatic Participation system within 2 months without any interruption. You can be included in the system again later, but in this case, your right to an initial state contribution of 1,000 TL will expire.
  • In Automatic Participation, your savings are invested in the interest-free Initial Participation Pension Mutual Fund.
  • If you wish, you can increase the amount of contribution you will pay to Automatic Participation. 
  • You can suspend your contribution payments while you continue with the system.

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Possible Savings Calculation

Let’s calculate the possible amount of savings you will get in your retirement.

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