Improper Insurance Practices
Pursuant to the circular of the Republic of Turkey, Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury dated 06.07.2011 and numbered B.02.1.HZN.=.10.05.02; if you take any action for or cause unfair advantage for you or third parties in the insurance relationship, where you hold the title of Insured/Insurant/Beneficiary/Payee, you may receive incomplete or no indemnity payment and legal actions will be taken pursuant to the provisions of the “Regulation on Detection, Notification, Registration of False Insurance Practices and the Procedures and Principles for Fight Against False Practices” published in the Official Gazette dated 30 April 2011 and numbered 27920.
Applicable Legislation
Please click here for the “Regulation on Detection, Notification, Registration of False Insurance Practices and the Procedures and Principles for Fight Against False Practices.”