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Let us help you with the tools you need about Health Insurance.
Just Think About Your Health!
Personal Private Health Participation Insurance covers any diagnosis and treatment expenses within the conditions specified in the policy by applying the most modern methods in selected private hospitals in case of unexpected accident or disease. With the advantageous services offered by our Personal Private Health Insurance, which is tailored to your needs, you can benefit from a dental care package and check-up service once a year and have an unlimited emergency land ambulance and online health packages.
You receive services at Katılım Emeklilik in accordance with the interest-free insurance concept.
Please click here for General Conditions of Health Insurance.
Please click here for Health Insurance Special Conditions.
Outpatient Treatment Coverage Contents |
Physician Examination |
Medication |
Laboratory and Imaging |
Modern Diagnosis |
Physiotherapy (with 3,000 TRY limit) |
*If SSI is used in contracted healthcare institutions, it is limited to 7,500 TRY, and if not used, to 7,500 TRY and a 20% contribution.
*It is limited to 20% insured contribution and 7,500 TRY in non-contracted health institutions- with TMA*1.
Inpatient Treatment Coverage Contents |
Surgery |
Treatments in the Hospital |
Intensive Care |
Coronary Angiography |
Chemotherapy - Radiotherapy - Dialysis |
Small Interventions |
Room-Food-Companion |
Rehabilitation |
Post-Op Physiotherapy (with 5,000 TRY limit) |
Dental Treatment due to Traffic Accident (with a limit of 5,000 TRY) |
Artificial Limb (with 10,000 TRY limit) |
Home Care (8 weeks) |
*Refers to the coverage other than inpatient treatment coverage and outpatient treatment coverage.
Birth Coverage
Birth Routine Control
Mammography and PSA for those over the age of 40
Auxiliary Medical Material
Let us help you with the tools you need about Health Insurance.