interactive awards
Possible Savings Calculation Contracted Healthcare Institutions Tax Advantage Calculation

Tax Advantage Calculation

Sigorta ürünleriniz size hem kısa hem de uzun vadede vergi avantajı sağlar. 

Paid Employees Self Employed
TL Enter your monthly gross salary in numbers.
TL Enter your cumulative life insurance premium.
TL Enter your personal insurance premium.
TL Beyan edilen gelirinizi sayı olarak giriniz.
TL Enter your cumulative life insurance premium.
TL Enter your personal insurance premium.
Tax Advantages*
Net Cost of Premium Amount

*Your tax advantage is calculated for the relevant month and may differ during the year. The amount that will decrease from your income tax base cannot exceed 15% of your monthly gross salary and the annual amount of the gross minimum wage.

*Gelir Vergisi Kanunu madde 23 birinci fıkrasına 18 numaralı bentine göre asgari ücret geliri vergi istisnasına konu edilmiştir.