interactive awards

Group-Dependent Personal Pension Plan

Start saving together.

Group-Dependent Personal Participation Pension Plan

A group pension agreement is a personal pension plan that offers advantageous conditions for your institution and your employees. Group-Dependent personal pension plans may include more attractive conditions than the plans offered to individual participants, with the advantages provided in deductions for management expenses and entrance fees. Group-Dependent Personal Pension Plans are recommended for institutions with more than a certain number of employees.

Employees can pay their contribution amounts with their own payment instruments, or the institution can mediate the payment by deducting the same from the employees’ salary.


  • Low Management Expense Deduction
  • No Participation Fee
  • Individual/Corporate Payment Opportunity
  • Wide Fund Options

Things to Know

In Katılım Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş., you will receive services in accordance with the Interest-Free Insurance Concept and the principles of Interest-Free Insurance. In all of our products, your funds are used in investment instruments that comply with the principles of interest-free insurance.

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