interactive awards

Emergency Health Insurance

In an emergency, Katılım Sağlık is with you!

What is Emergency Health Insurance?

Emergency Health Participation Insurance insures you against the risks in vital situations defined as emergencies by the World Health Organization. It will not leave you alone in an emergency, such as an accident or an unexpected disease. It covers treatment and intervention costs within the insurance coverage and also offers advantageous services such as online medical consultation, mini check-ups, dental care packages, and land ambulance.


  • It covers your inpatient treatments 100% at contracted healthcare institutions, subject to the rules and rights specified in the policy.
  • You are under the assurance of interest-free insurance with Katılım Sağlık.
  • You get a tax advantage.
  • You can benefit from the Advantageous Assistance Package.

Scope of Insurance

The insurance period is 1 year. It is automatically renewed as long as the insured does not request otherwise and the company continues to sell the product.

People aged 0-66 can be included.

Unless otherwise stated by the insurer, those residing within the borders of the Republic of Turkey are accepted for insurance.

Children aged 0-18 can be insured within the scope of the family and/or under a minimum of one legal guardian.

The insurer’s liability shall not begin until the full or first installment of the premium amount is paid.

Premium payments are made in cash from Albaraka Türk and Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank accounts or from all credit cards, and up to 9 installments from contracted credit cards.

Advantageous Assistance Package

Online Health Package (Unlimited online physician, dietician, and psychologist interviews)

Dental Health Package (Dental examination and dental scaling once a year)

Mini Check-up Package (Once a year)

Land Ambulance


You can call our Call Center at 0850 226 0 123 to use these services.


Coverage Content Annual Usage Annual Limit Amount* Amount insured contribution 
Surgical Hospitalization Annual 50.0000 TL %0
Internal Hospitalization Annual 50.0000 TL %0
Surgery Annual 50.0000 TL %0
Yoğun Bakım Annual 50.0000 TL %0
Small Interventions Annual 50.0000 TL %0
emergency medical expenses Annual 50.0000 TL %0

*The entire Inpatient Treatment coverage is subject to an upper limit of 50,000 TRY.

Do You Need Help?

Let us help you with the tools you need about Health Insurance.

Tax Advantage Calculation

Let’s calculate your tax advantage gain with your insurance.


Contracted Healthcare Institutions

Come to our nearest contracted healthcare institution, and we will complete your procedures in no time.

Do you need more help?

Let’s Complete Your Procedures


Come to our nearest agency, and we will complete your procedures in no time.


Bank Branches

Come to our nearest contracted bank, and we will complete your procedures in no time.
